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Brewers Ball

Brewers Ball

Brewers Ball is a celebration of brewing with the intent of gathering brewers from across the state for the presentation of the Best Florida Beer Championships’ Best of Show winners.

The Ball features live music, samples of the Gold Medal and Category winning beers from the Championships’ commercial competition and a beer raffle.

Location: Water Works Park
Date: Sunday, March 4th
Time: 12 pm Last call at 4:30. Must vacate premises by 5 pm.

E-mail for Brewers Ball Discount code each code is good for 40% off. MUST BE CURRENT MEMBER. Each code is good for 1 ticket so if you have a couple’s membership we can get you a second discount code. Please claim your ticket(s) by Friday, February 12th. Remember to be calm we will get the code to you ASAP as we have to pull them from a spreadsheet and email them over. (This is all set up by Best Florida Beer we are just given the codes)


Here is how to use it:

1) Go to link

2) Enter your unique discount code

3) See ticket price %40 off

4) Buy ticket

5) Click order now and finalize purchase

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